Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Snowmobile Rally A Success!

The day of the rally proved to be an extremely snowy day in the Sierras. A total of two feet of snow fell throughout the day, so only the most hardy appeared to be playing on their sleds. Those with motors were the preferred mode of play.

The BBQ was amazing with pulled pork, chicken and smoked brisket sandwiches as the foundation and sidelined with coleslaw, potato salad and baked beans. We then rounded out the meal with sweet treats of brownies, hot tea, coffee and cocoa. The raging bonfire kept the chill at bay, while we munched lunch down.

About 12 people braved the trails, and all the volunteers who came out were more then could be asked for on a cold, snowy day. A schweet time was had by all.

Next year, the sun will shine right on time, so you better be there, if you dare!

Click here for photos from the event.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Welcome to Turning Point Tahoe!

Turning Point Tahoe creates outdoor recreation and environmental education for people with disabilities in the Truckee / Tahoe area. Our activities include camping, fishing, boating, hiking and cross country skiing.

Our mission is to raise the standard of living and change the consciousness of what is possible for persons with disabilities. We do this by networking with existing resources, groups and programs to connect people to information, equipment, activities and programs.

Our belief is that self confidence is instilled through inspirational examples that emphasize outdoor adventures.